Thursday, May 23, 2013

Closing Studio


I have reached a new chapter in my life.   Sometimes change is good but painful.  My main studio has been located in Sarasota for twenty years and I’ve been able to turn out a lot of work during that time for collectors and galleries.  Now, however, I want to finish my book and it is not possible to run a 4000 sq. ft. studio while thinking about my characters and the antics that make them interesting or even feasible.  There is a time of the day when the sun is going down and that is the golden time of day.  It’s when the sun settles down and takes a lovely form.  That is where I am in my creative life.  The sun has settled. I have found who I am…my creative mind is seeking new horizons I‘ve reached that golden time and something inside of me is saying do more.  I believe I can squeeze more out creatively if I have less overhead.  So, I’ve made the very difficult decision to let go of the “dream studio.” I plan to keep designing for public art projects as well as painting and drawing but the book is my priority at presentArt As A Novel  has been in the background of my thoughts for the past twelve years. It’s time to complete the process.  I believe I can.
I know there will come a day when I’ll be sitting quietly with my memories; there will be NO regrets. You can’t stop the rain when it begins to fall and I can’t stop my spiritual and creative maturation.
I’ll keep you posted….you keep wishing me well and watch for the book!

Artfully Yours,

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